Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"How to" Article Format

How to Measure a Stock's Volatility (Title In Bold)

A Stock's volatility also called the change in price is best measured by its Standard Deviation over a period of time. In general the Measure of a Stock's Volatility varies from the average value over a measurement period. The volatility varies such that if the price variation is on a day to day basis, the volatility will be high and if the price variation is low on a day to day basis the volatility will also be low. (Introduction of 5-6 lines)

Market volatility is also defined as the rate in which a security changes and the market security is measured by watching the daily change in market price. Volatility is one of the most important things to be kept in mind while investing the capital in a mutual fund or hedge fund. The volatility describes both the Hike and downturn in the market. But usually the major decrease in price is generally looked up. Whenever a particular stock is moving up and down in share price, the stock is known to have a high level of volatility. Another important thing is that, if a share price stays comparatively the same for a long period of time then it is assured that it has low volatility. (More on the Body 6-7 Lines)

Now the question is how can we calculate or measure the Stocks Volatility?

The Stock's Volatility can be measured by calculating its standard deviation explained in the following steps. The following steps are to be performed for calculating a 20-period standard deviation.

Things you’ll need(List of things that you ll need)

  • A Simple Calculator
  • Paper Sheet
  • Pen/Pencil

Step.1 Calculating the Average(Step by step guide with a step title)

Calculate the simple average of the closing price or mean of the closing price using the calculator. The simple average or mean for 20 days is calculated by adding all the 20 closing prices and then dividing the sum by 20.The value obtained by performing this calculation is known as the variance of the stock.

(One Line gap after each step)

Step.2 Evaluating the Deviation

After calculating the variance, subtract the average closing price from the actual closing price for each period. This method will help us to calculate the accurate deviation for each period.

Step.3 Square the Deviation

Next you need to square the deviation of each period.

Step.4 Finding the Sum of the Deviation

Now add the squared deviations obtained from step 3 to obtain the sum of the squared deviations.

Step.5 Calculating the Standard Deviation

In this step you need to divide the sum of the squared deviations by the number of periods to obtain the standard deviation value. Usually the standard deviation value will be equal to the square root of that number.

The Above steps help to Measure a Stock's Volatility and it helps the business to be in a secure and good position. Even though this has discouraged many investors, it is essential for all investors to understand a stock’s volatility to get through the ups and downs in the market on a long term basis. (Conclusion Of 2 - 3 lines)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

General Article Format

What is Email? (TITLE IN BOLD)


Application level Internet services are used to carry out the useful communication tasks by using the Internet network. Electronic Mail is one of the most popular widespread Internet application service. In the early days message could be sent to various computers only when they were connected to one another. Thus it was impossible to target a message to a specific user in the network and the message would be delivered to all the users on the network. To overcome this Tomlinson invented a method to address the messages to a particular user so that the email would be sent only to that computer and not the other computers on the network. (INTRODUCTION 80-100 WORDS)


Electronic mail also called as e-mail is a means of transmitting messages electronically. Electronic mail allows an user to compose a memo or a short message and send a copy of it to individuals or a group of people across the Internet. It allows the users to include attachments with a mail message. It enables a computer user to exchange messages with other computer users or a group of users through a communication network like internet.Email is one of the most popular uses of the Internet.


The email typically uses a TCP/IP protocol to send message as packets. The packets are small bits of information of the original message. The packets are sent by using the protocol which transfers the packets from the source computer to the destination computer along a network. During the delivery of the packets, the packets may get damaged, corrupted or lost due to hardware failure. The network software ensure that the packets will be sent safely to the destination computer without any damage.

The email can be gained access over the World wide web also called WWW. The world wide web can be gained access through the Internet browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer etc. The email is one such service that can be provided over the world wide web. Some of the email providers are


  • Yahoo
  • Rediff Mail
  • MSN
  • Hotmail

The most prominent email providers are the Yahoo and Gmail. These providers ensure that every user on the Internet has an unique mailbox where the messages sent and received can be stored. The mailbox typically contains an inbox which stores the messages that the user receives from other users, sent items which store the messages which the user has sent to other users, drafts which are used to store any email that is important and which the user may need in the future. There is an option to delete or save the messages in the mailbox.

The Internet service providers will provide the users with an unique email address which is used to specify when the user wants to send or receive any message. If you want to compose an email, you need to enter the From, to, Cc, Subject within the columns provided. Thus the email is a very useful internet service for effective communication. (CONCLUSION NOT MORE THAN 3-4 SENTENCES)